The last battle of the Northern Coalition. Chronicles of the largest war in the history of computer games

For almost half a year, the entire Game Community Eve Online, with a breath, followed the events in the north of the Galaxy: in the regions where the world reigned for a long time, there was the most bloody and large -scale war in the history of the game. And when she reached the climax, no one dared to say whether the northern coalition would protect his home or it would be her last battle.

Recently in Eve Online Much has changed. Alliances, which used to rule the ball, became only lines on the pages of the forums, dark horses, which no one took seriously, won a significant part of zeros (territories opened for capture by players), thanks to the technical progress, the pilots received many new technologies – including the military. One thing remained unchanged – the rule Northern Coalition (NC, or Northern Coalition) in the north of the Galaxy.

Over the years, the northern coalition has become a paradise for PVE players of all stripes. They flew here like flies on honey to draw generous gifts 0.0-systems. There were two strong alliance at the head of the coalition, Morsus Mihi And Razor Alliance , collecting the very cream and stood on guard. The regions were filled with alliances and corporations smaller. They did not have the same rights as older brothers, but they were allowed to hunt, dig and engage in other peaceful things, making much more profit than in the empire. It is not surprising that the NC over time has become the largest power block in the game: the number of pilots in it reached 50 thousand.

[Bullet]] Just a year ago, the destruction of titanium was a rarity and caused a violent reaction of the entire EVE community. During the Northern War, fifty of these giants were destroyed.

Despite the peaceful, even amorphous existence, the coalition was a splinter for all EVP alkyans. While the wars rattled throughout the galaxy, entire empires grew and collapsed, and the place under the sun was produced by blood and then, NC finished one of the richest corners of the new edema. Rare “techno -cycle” moons added to the game with the release of Dominion, miraculously accumulated in the northern regions and made the wallets of the coalition leaders almost bottomless. The factories worked without stopping, releasing heavy super -collars, which then left the auction to everyone. The life of the northerners was too easy.

Of course, many tried to remove the EVE cancerous tumor, as NC was called. The first to have a surgeon for the role of a surgeon Band of Brothers -Mighty combat alliance, which once intended to win the whole galaxy. In 2008, he launched a series of Max campaigns against the northern coalition, aimed at inflicting maximum damage and not allowing enemies to be overgrowing with fat. But another alliance prevented the plans, GoonsWarm , Due to the espionage sabotage of which the Bob scattered and lost all the systems in the Delve’s native region (read about this formidable betrayal in Gamemia No. 139). Later, Band of Brothers was revived under the new name, It , And the MAX campaign continued. But all efforts to deal with the northern coalition were in vain.

[[Bullet]] The first battle in Eumon was for NC tragic. Flitting people ordered the titans to “jump” into the empire’s system, where it is impossible to use the guns of judgment. So the titans were almost useless.

Possessing a huge number of pilots, even if they had no great experience in PVP, NC perfectly mastered tactics: to drive as many ships as possible on the battlefield and call monstrous lags that repel the aggressors to continue the battle. In addition, well -developed infrastructure of the northern regions did not make it possible to win them quickly.

On the forums they began to say that the northern coalition is absolutely invulnerable and nothing could exterminate it. But where there is an incompetent object, there is always an insurmountable force. What will happen if they are faced? The largest war in history!

Visiting Russians

Although NC rarely attacked herself, preferring to protect their territories, visits to neighbors – to shoot and “focus” – happened. In October 2010, the bored coalition pilots with the blessing of their leader Vuk Lau decided to visit Russians – Alliance Solar Fleet , living in the east in the so -called drone regions. Initially, the northerners did not make large plans, but when almost the entire Kaavelava Expanse – the Solar Fleet region closest to the borders of the NC – was too great in their hands.

[[Bullet]] so large -scale battles look in advertising booklets Eve Online.

A significant part of the attacking forces of the coalition was the ships of the young alliance Rage , who, although he occupied several NC systems, has long grown out of them. Rage quickly expanded and longed to master new territories, so Kaavelava Expanse was very useful. Solar Fleet could not do it alone with a huge NC fleet and was not so close to other Russian alliances to ask them for help.

However, this and did not have to do this.

Red Alliance , Legion of Death , White Noise and Solar Fleet, the largest and most famous formations of Russian players living in the east of the Galaxy, have long preserved neutrality. Sometimes joint flights were carried out, but each had their own lands, their own plans. The appearance of NC in the drone regions has become a threat to all. After all, the northerners could decide not to stop there, but to move on, deep into the original Russian territories. This turned out to be enough to instantly unite the entire Russian fraternity. So in the winter of 2010 it was born Drone Russian Forces (DRF)-a new power block, which soon attracted the attention of the entire EVE community.

At first, the military campaign of the northern coalition in the drone regions was successful. NC NC captured Kaavelava Expanse. The gaze of the new, greedy to the great battles and glory of the fleet commander Cobra2k was directed in distant Dali. But at this time something happened that the northerners did not expect.

[[Bullet]] And so large -scale battles look from the behalf of direct participants.

Taking advantage of the absence of the main NC forces in home territories, an alliance of mercenaries Pandemic Legion hit the coalition in the most sore spot, capturing the system with a rapid assault with rare moon. Not daring to fight on two fronts and risk the loss of the main source of income, the coalition fleet unfolded the ships and flew to save its golden goose. The mercenaries were expelled with the squalling fire of titans and wovers-wings, and the systems returned to their owners. NC pilots calmed down, deciding that they had fun and you could relax.

And while the trunks were covered in the north, the East resembled alarmed anthill: DRF collected a monstrous armada to pay a return visit. The goal that Russian leaders set was simple – to erase NC in powder.

Heminate in fire

Preparation for large -scale invasion to the north lasted more than two months. To begin with, DRF needed a reliable bridgehead, from where the pilots could raid enemy systems and quickly regroup. The heminate was ideally suited for this role – the border region between the territories of NC and DRF. The alliance was occupied by the alliance Rebellion – One of the many guests of the Northern Coalition. Few people know what exactly Russian leaders with Daroh, the head of Rebellion, talked about late winter evening. But the next day the Alliance was disbanded, which dropped all the labels from heminate systems and allowed DRF to capture them without a fight. February 14 in the Uemon system, the first large -scale battle of DRF with NC took place.

NC has lost ten titans and five wovers. The loss of so many titans can bankrupt a small combat alliance and make the wounds be licked with a lot of months. But the NC had no time for a break – DRF continued to advance, and the battles went in the heminate around the clock. For a month, battleships and support ships were the main working machines of pilots. And on March 17, a new epoch -making battle with a whole armada of super -collapses took place. This time in the O2O-2X system, which turned into the hottest battlefield in the history of EVE-the cemetery of the titans.

The meat grinder in O2O

In wars of this scale, the use of spies is not a whim, but a harsh necessity. The information received from the implemented agents can solve the outcome of the whole war, therefore, from the first days of the conflict, both NC and DRF have actively tried to recruit enemy pilots. According to rumors, people with directorial rights (that is, those who make a decision and are in the know of all affairs) offered tens of billions of ISK for cooperation (intra -game currency).

But sometimes the decoy duck in the vocal canal of the enemy can play a cruel joke.

March 17, during the next operation of the Northern Coalition, the Yaay fleet commander gave the order to all ships to go to safes (a place remote from other objects in the system). Everyone except a few carriers. The ships did not have time to turn on the hyperople, the Yaay order reached the DRF command. Scout sent to reconnaissance confirmed that, with the exception of lonely carriers, who were easy prey, large ships were not noticed. The Russian channel sounded a cheerful “forward!".

[[Bullet]] Strategic Map of the Northern War. Pink block – DRF, blue – NC, green – NC allies, purple – AAA/SE/ROL unit, yellow – small alliances.

DRF leaders could not know that simultaneously with the order in the general chat on a special channel, the pilots of the titans and the Maszers were ordered to wait for the team and prepare to shoot for defeat. Carriers served not only an excellent bait. Equipped with tsinomodules that make it possible to put beacons for the titans, they lit the lights immediately upon the arrival of the Russian fleet. And when Armada NC fell on Russian pilots, the trap slammed shut.

Typically, black and gloomy space Eve Online has become dazzlingly bright from a volley of guns. DRF lost the first titanium, ragnarok, in a matter of seconds – the pilot did not even have time to turn on the modules. Others followed him. Because of the lags, many DRF pilots could not load into the system and looked helplessly at the black screen, while enemies destroyed their ships. Although some managed to leave, the DRF in this meat grinder suffered terrible losses – six titans and twelve masks.


After this victory, the moral of the pilots of the Northern Coalition took off to heaven. By that time, the northerners managed to conquer almost all the systems in the heminate, and only one station in O2O remained under the control of DRF. Its loss meant the return of NC to drone regions. But without a fight, Russian pilots were not going to give up.

Although the DRF did not have rare moons bringing fabulous profits, they had their own sources of income – tenants. Dozens of large and small corporations paid the owners of drone regions weekly tribute: for the opportunity to dig, shoot NPC, engage in industry and research. Yes, just behind the roof over your head. Covering about a third of all zeros, the DRF became the only power block that could be compared in financial capabilities with NC. Therefore, the losses of titans and masses were compensated as soon as possible. Super -wores barely settled with the shipyard were transferred to the O2O system, and the Russian pilots prepared to give the northerns the last battle.

[[Bullet]] Slogan from Fallout “War, War Never Changes” to Eve Online does not apply. In this game, war is constantly changing.

On March 19, all DRF pilots received an appeal from above: “IHUB was killed, the station protection is the last opportunity to keep the system under our control. The system is of great importance, and the point here is not even in the strategy. The matter is moral, it is she who decides who wins the battles, battles and campaign.

Thousands of ships, ours and enemy are buried in O2O-2X. And it is important that these ruins belong, and whose flag is fluttered over them. It is this issue that will be resolved in battle tomorrow morning, and it turns out on which side the truth.

A very important operation, a critical fight. I hope to see the maximum number of fighters in the fleet, primarily the pilots of the "soup".

March 20, 2011 will forever enter the history of Eve Online. On this day, the largest battle of super -collapses in eight years of the existence of the game took place. And it was this day that became a turning point in the DRF war against NC.

More than a thousand pilots gathered on each side, the number of players in the O2O system exceeded two thousand four hundred people. Despite the fact that CCP has allocated additional server capacities under this cluster, the response time of the guns and other modules due to lags reached several minutes. But the pilots patiently waited, following the orders of the command and switching the targets. Everything depended on this battle.

The first to destroy the titan of Erebus of the Northern Coalition, then Avatar DRF died. The next few hours the system was filled with new and new fragments of titans. Spies informed Russian pilots that in the ranks of the northerners – panic. Only when the server went to daily prevention, the fighters were able to rest and calculate the losses.

The northern coalition in this battle lost eight titans and thirteen masses, DRF lost four and two ships, respectively. How many were the fragments of smaller ships remained on the battlefield, did not give in to calculation: some pilots managed to lose their ship, transfer to a new one and return back to duty.

The insidious plan

Despite the fact that DRF won a convincing victory and retained an important bridgehead, NC accepted it calmly. “Not so we needed these systems and titans,” it sounded at the official forum. But something after the battle in O2O has changed. For the first time in many years, the northern coalition realized that its monetary resources and reserves of super -collapses are not unlimited. And in order to stop the ruthless rink of DRF, you will need to ditch dozens of titans, spend hundreds of billion ISK, spend weeks without normal sleep.

[[Bullet]] Russian leaders discuss military plans. Picture of an unknown artist.

Many were not ready for this. The turnout of the NC pilots has fallen significantly. DRF pilots, on the contrary, were determined to end the enemy, and by the end of March the united Russian alliances managed to capture most of the regional systems Vale of the Silent – The last line of defense on the way to Tribute , The main bastion NC.

Since the fleet of the super -sore coalition was noticeably stripped, and the DRF again filled all the losses with more than, the NC leaders did not take risks and enter the remaining titans into battle. And the flotillas of battleships and combat cruisers could hardly contrast something with the relics of heavyweights. It was necessary to find a quick solution, and the difference in time zones came to the aid of the northerners.

In his prime time (from seven in the evening to midnight in Moscow), DRF could collect huge forces that would be enough to capture and protect any systems. But when the NC began to take them back to the most uncomfortable hours for Russian players, this was a big problem.

Realizing perfectly that a sleepless marathon will kill people with any desire to enter the game, the DRF decided on an expensive but important step-to conclude a contract with Pandemic Legion pilots, for which the clock imposed on the northern coalition was essentially a prime time.

PL is not just a bunch of mercenaries, but a combat alliance that has existed in EVE for many years, having experienced pilots and a large fleet of heavy ships. Buy such force for two months, according to rumors, there were DRF 600 billion ISK (more than 16 thousand dollars at the exchange rate rate). But it was worth it. The news broke the moral of NC, and its great empire began to crumble like a house of cards.


In mid -April, the combined DRF, PL and Raiden forces confidently advanced to Tribute, but since all Russian fighters were in the north, their home regions were almost defenseless. Smelling the light prey, the coalition of three alliances AAA , Se And Rol , called "Avagon", attacked the southern territories belonging to White Noise. It was risky to spray forces, and the return of the entire squadron of super -collapses would give a chance to recover and prepare well for a new invasion. The DRF command decided that the war in the north is the main priority.

[[Bullet]] So the regions of the Northern Coalition looked on the political map Eve Online before the start of the war.

In early June, DRF forces reached the most important system of the northern coalition, Q-CAB , where there were industrial bases and shipyards for the construction of heavy ships. To save the system, the leader of the NC Vuk LAU quit the cry for helping all the old and new allies. Hundreds of pilots from a variety of alliances flew to support friends. Some had to get through the whole galaxy. Just as the Russian pilots were preparing to give the last battle in O2O in March, the Northern Coalition and the Allies were determined to stand to death for the sake of saving Q-Cab. But when the DRF fleet appeared on the horizon, its appearance terrified everyone.

A myriad of heavy ships sailed in space with five -thousand titans at the head. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart – and probably added to the leaders of NC gray hair. The floods decided that to attack such an armada is suicide, and dismissed the fleet.

[Bullet]] And so the regions of the Northern Coalition looked on the political map Eve Online closer to the end of the war.

This decision caused many disputes on the forums. Some agreed that it was not worthwhile to doom the remains of super -collapses to the right death. Others believed that NC was obliged to give a battle to Russian. Let the chances of winning it were scanty, let the NC lose its entire fleet, but this was the last chance to protect the native region. Be that as it may, Q-Cab fell without a fight, and this decided the outcome of the Northern War.

The remaining days of Tribute residents were evacuated. Despite the fact that more than a dozen systems were still under the NC label, no one was trying to protect them. The defeated, broken northerners saved what they could and scattered where. In the voice channel, someone from the NC leadership said goodbye to the pilots: “This is not the end, guys. We will definitely return ". But the voice sounded uncertainly, as if the speaker himself doubted his words.

And later, at the official EVE Online forum, an appeal appeared from Cobra2k – the same flue office who led the first NC invasion to the drone regions: “I would like to dispel rumors regarding Morsus Mihi. Some of you have heard that we are evacuating Tribute and heading for Delve. This is true. Morsus mihi needs time to get together with thoughts and settle down again. We are far from dead, but we have to do a bunch of work, since over the past couple of years we have become too dispensed with others. With migration in Delve, we reset standing with almost all. But although we officially become neutral for you, you have always been and will be our best friends. I hope for mutually beneficial cooperation in the future – after we will rebuild ".

The time of great changes

With the end of the war in Eve Online, the time has come for great changes. The north of zero, for many years occupied by an amorphous mass, is preparing to open doors for new alliances that are not connected by close relationships and not at all thirsty for the world. So, there are new interesting battles ahead. Huge flows of finance from rare moon pass through other hands. Thousands of players were replaced by alliances and corporations, and hundreds of super -shorts hang in cold space.

The most relevant topic on the forums: “The insurmountable force DRF will turn further to its gaze further?"After all, if the most numerous and rich power unit Eve collapsed before the pressure of Russian alliances, then the rest of the inhabitants of zeros will simply be swept away – no one has so many titans and super -sores, like NC. Whether the server will turn Tranquility In the likeness of Chinese, where almost all territories outside the empire are ruled by one giant megacorporation?

In the meantime, ordinary players are building forecasts, DRF moves strength to the south, where hot battles have already begun against the Avagon coalition. Russian rink is ready to roll out new victims.

The editors thanks the Kantai Hikage Corporation for help in preparing an article

Key figures in the war

Northern coalition


Race: Gallent

Corporation: 4s corporation

Alliance: Morsus Mihi

Dossier: The leader of the Northern Coalition, who did not command the fleets, but was engaged in administrative activities. In particular, compensation for losses, the distribution of finance and motivation of pilots.


Race: Kaldari

Corporation: Hirr

Alliance: Morsus Mihi

Dossier: The main flue NC, one of the most talented commanders in the galaxy. According to rumors, his titan managed to avoid imminent death three or four times until he eventually caught Pandemic Legion.


Race: Amarr

Corporation: Fusion Enterprises Ltd

Alliance: Morsus Mihi

Dossier: The commander of the titanium/masseship link. After the lost insignificant battle in the LS-Jep system, he was removed from his post with a scandal, which brought even the leaders of the Drone Russian Forces.

Drone Russian Forces


Race: Amarr

Corporation: Kantai Hikage (Haki)

Alliance: White Noise

Dossier: White Noise leader and the main flue DRF. All the largest battles of the Northern War were held under his command. He made all key military decisions.


Race: Minmatar

Corporation: Ab Origines

Alliance: White Noise

Dossier: The DRF flue, whose task, in addition to full -scale operations, included contact with allied flue houses and the organization of terror in the territories of NC at a distance from the front.

Diablo History: Explain the plot and ENT on the fingers

Date on December 31 for a significant part of mankind is associated with the smell of Christmas needles, a chime of tanned deer harness and sales in gaming stores. But the same significant part of the people sees in it another meaning: this date is a birthday Diablo – The very first part of the legendary series of role -playing militants, which quickly became cult and gave rise to a whole squeal of the "Diacabian". And in 2021 she also celebrates the 25th anniversary. Significant dates – Favorite Blizzard , So fans of the company's games are probably waiting for a lot of festive events with gifts and retrospectives. However, the main gift awaits us long before the anniversary festival: today it is released Diablo 2: Resurrected.

It is believed that in Diablo and even more so Diablo 2 They played everything, so everything is already aware of what is happening in Tristram and where everything, in fact, has begun. The first part left a long time ago Battle.Net , but sold in GOG, Let and looks very outdated. You can also get acquainted with the world of the original game during the annual event The Darkening of Tristram V Diablo 3 – But it takes place in January. And what to do to those who are going to first plunge into the universe of absolute evil and endless Luta? Especially for this case, we decided to tell a few stories about what happened before the events of the second part.

The first story. This is not Blizzard!

The very first fact about Diablo may surprise you: initially the game was not the Blizzard project. Programmer David Brevik in high school began to think about the idea of ​​a role -playing game, in which the time from the launch of the introductory video to receiving trophies from the first killed skeleton would be a record short. The first sample and source of inspiration for him was X-Com: Ufo Defense Thanks to the "random" cards and a combination of viewing angle with the size of the character. After this list was added Moria , Angband , Nethack and others, by that time successfully forgotten, games. But Brevik did not immediately take up the global project: for a start, he founded a studio with his friends Condor , To get up experience in contracts.

Contracts and became the first of the happy accidents in Diablo's biography. Two games were brought to one of the game conferences at once Justice League Task Force : Over one, by order Sega , The Brevik studio worked, and the second, on behalf of Nintendo , The guys made from Silicone and Synapse , founded by Allen Adam, Frank Pierce and Mike Morheim. They have already released RPM Racing , The Lost Vikings And Rock N ’Roll Racing and started working on Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. By the time the game that gave the life of a huge universe came out, the studio had already managed to rename twice: first in Chaos Studios , And shortly after that – in Blizzard Entertainment.

Under the name Chaos Studios, the team did not have time to release a single game: it soon turned out that such a name has already been used

Diablo design, which bravik with comrades showed Blizzard, was noticeably different from what we saw several years later, when the company decided to help with the development of the game. Brevik wanted to make step -by -step battles, but Blizzard insisted on battles in real time, and very quickly it turned out that the project instantly won the dynamics from this. And then, when the merger of two studios occurred and Condor turned into Blizzard North , The game demanded to introduce multiplayer opportunities for a freshly obtained service Battle.Net – And the online component finally transferred the game to the category of sensations.

This is what the creators of Diablo in 1996 looked, shortly before the historical release

History is second. Evil evil is angry

In order to facilitate the involvement of the player in merciless grind, the creators of Diablo decided to do without nuances and halftones so that the audience did not occur to stop and reflect on the situation of things. The world "Diablo" is perfectly black and white, divided into absolute evil and infallible good. And this confrontation is expressed by the simplest of the stamps of Gothic fantasy: angels and demons.

However, at first there were neither angels, nor demons, nor even peace as such – only the perfect, incomprehensible diamond Anu, embodied all the virtues and harmony of the world. Here are just hatred, pride, darkness and disharmony, they have not gone anywhere: they gathered together and embodied in the dragon of Tatamet. Their battle lasted eternity, and the final of the confrontation was a large explosion that gave rise to the Diablo universe; Both adversaries disappeared, reincarnating into the Heavenly Kingdom and the blazing underworld. So the war continued with the death of the first creatures, but now it unfolded in the kingdom of Pandemon, in the center of which the very heart of the universe was, it is an eye or a stone of the world.

The heart of the universe gives its owner the opportunity to create worlds, which was used by the angel Inaria, who hid the source of the conflict in the kingdom of mortals – the sanctuary. The demoness Lilith helped him, and the offspring of an angel and a demon began to be called napals. These new creatures carried the features of both angels and demons, but at the same time they were the embodiment of blasphemy, apostasy and heresy for both sides. If the ancient non -falems did not exceed the strength of their ancestors, they would immediately destroy them, but as the centuries went, new generations of napalms were increasingly leaning to the opinion that their htonic ancestors were just fiction. However, angels and demons, of course, are quite real: all this time they were actively looking for the source of the eternal conflict – the eye of Anu. And once, thanks to the desire of mortals, to reveal the secrets of their world and other dimensions, the glowing underworld learned about the existence of a sanctuary. The demons decided to gradually turn mortals to their service, turning their power against heaven.

With Lilith, we will meet again in Diablo IV. According to legend, she and Inaria must return to decide the fate of the world they created

History is the third. There were three of them

After the magicians of the clan Vizzheri managed to call and tie one of the demons, they were convinced that they could ensure the same way to enslave all the inhabitants of the underworld and reign over the world. Inspired by this ambition, magicians began to pull out of the glowing underworld of one line after another – and they returned back with stories about the world of mortals. Therefore, soon the rulers of the world of evil began to whip the fanatics new ideas: this is how the Church of Trinity originated, whose adherents worshiped the embodiment of horror, hatred and destruction, considering them the spirits of determination, love and creation. These three original evils wore the names of Diablo, Mephisto and Baala, but the deceived mortals called them a dialogue, Mephis and the ball. And the head of the church became Lucius, the son of Mephisto.

Only Inaria, the creator of the sanctuary, saw in the angels the trinings of the embodiment of evil – and paid for this when, in the war between the Church of the Trinity and the Cathedral of the Light founded by Inaria, a man intervened. The expelled demoness Lilith aroused the legacy of the Nefalem in the ordinary peasant Uldissian and gave him the ability to awaken the forces of the Aidarens – this is how his followers called him. After the intervention of the Aidremes, the war of sin became so large -scale that both angels and demons openly joined it: the earth and heaven opened, the eternal conflict flared up with renewed vigor, but now on the lands of mortals. And then, seeing what the power of the napalms can do with humanity, Uldissian sacrificed himself, depriving the strength of all his followers.

One war after another: the inhabitants of the sanctuary rarely managed to live calmly

There were no winners in this war. Angels allowed humanity to survive, but erased the memory of people; As a reparation, the demons gave inaria to eternal torment. Heaven and the underworld vowed not to interfere in the affairs of mortals, and religions lost their influence in the world of sanctuary. Only the Wizzheri clan continued to secretly practice the rituals of calling demons, which soon led to the next conflict – the clan wars of magicians.

Когда все магические кланы ополчились против Визджерей, те пустили в ход свой главный козырь — демонов из Преисподней. But the fresent of hell does not care with whom to fight, so soon the callers had to give a fight on two fronts. As a result, the clan fell, its capital was destroyed, and the hired killers moved in the footsteps. The age of magic has come to an end – its place was taken by the age of faith.

Meanwhile, in hell it was also restless. Four younger evils captured the underworld, overthrew the original and expelled them into the world of people. But thanks to Angel Tirael, who mobilized the most powerful magicians to the Unified Order of Horradrim, the inhabitants of the sanctuary managed to track Diablo and sharpen it with the brothers in the stones of the souls. And the stones hid in three different places – the shelters seemed reliable, but after years no one remembered what evil was lurking in them. But only during the hunt, not only powerful artifacts were born, like a choredric cube: thanks to the sorcerer Zoltan Kull, it also turned out that the role of the heart of the mortal could play the role of the stone of the soul. Thus, the demon, even the most powerful, can be enclosed in the human body.

Tirael is the only angel who over and over again took the side of humanity. What will happen if he will be tired sooner or later?

The story is fourth. King and warrior

Horodrims hid the stone of the soul of Diablo in the network of caves near the Westmarsh, the Cathedral for protection and protection was erected over the repository, and years later the city of Tristrama grew up nearby. None of his inhabitants suspected how evil was lurking deep in the dungeons, while the hero of the commander Leorik, King Handuras, chose the Tristers with the capital of the kingdom. The abandoned cathedral became his castle and fortress, but the once wise and fair Vladyka began to gradually change. In the end, he suddenly declared war Westmarsh, listening to his trusted adviser, Archbishop Lazar.

By the way, Lazar in this story is much more gloomy than it seems at first glance. Once the archbishop went down to the catacombs under the cathedral, found the stone of the soul of Diablo and broke it. The liberated original was looking for a suitable body for himself, but could not capture the king himself – he simply went crazy with demonic influence. And then the choice fell on the youngest son of Leorik, Albrecht, whom Lazar abducted and delivered to the cathedral. Upon learning of his son’s disappearance, Leorik finally went crazy and began to execute civilians, demanding the issuance of the abductors: so the noble ruler received the nickname Black King. His end was sad: Leorik fell at the hands of his own knights, having managed to curse their captain Lakdanan before his death. Albrecht was never found, and a detachment of daredevils, who went in search of the prince in the catacombs, did not return.

When the darkness thickened over the tristra, Gerdard Cain, one of the Horadrims, got down to business. He gathered a fighting team from a robber and a magician, and a warrior of Aiden – the elder brother of the missing Albrecht went on a campaign. Unfortunately, the heroes did not know that Diablo has long lived in Albrecht's body, and King Leorik's skeleton wanders around the catacombs in the crown and the gold chain. In general, the final of the first part of Diablo came out extremely gloomy and even creepy. According to the canon, Iden managed to get to the lower tier of the catacomb and there he discovered Diablo himself – the lord of horror, a nightmare in the flesh, a horned demon of blood color. But when the victory over Diablo was completely close, Eiden realized that he was about to kill his own brother.

Any character can fight Diablo chosen. But the canonical outcome looks just like this: the detachment weakens the demon, and the warrior strikes a decisive blow

Isen was sure that he would be able to restrain Diablo in his body. He inserted a stone of shower in his forehead with a prisoner inside the original, but at that moment his mind has already begun to clutch. Soon after Iiden left Tristers, the city was flooded by the demons. But about what happened next, we learn from Diablo II. Rather, from Diablo II: Resurrected!

The story is fifth. End and beginning

Blizzard North was not going to take up the continuation immediately after Diablo, but she had to. The success of the game was so deafening that the game industry physically could not help but notice it. The first month after the release, the circulation got to two million – but at that time the lion's share of sales was on boxed versions! It is not surprising that the example of Diablo was dismantled at the conferences of the gamedesers, and competitors quickly rushed to create their own versions, copies and clones of isometric sensation.

Brevika Sajorishchi did not have to persuade for a long time: during the creation of the first part, they had a lot of unused developments. Yes, and the final Diablo fully allowed the sequel – and even development, because now the players could not be locked in the whole game in the only cathedral with a pair of buildings in the neighborhood. Instead of three playable characters, they made five, gave them various options for pumping, from the very beginning they built everything with the calculation for multiplayer via Battle.Net … in general, Blizzard North, which had grown three times by that time, carefully improved each aspect of the original game, leaving its basics and principles untouched. It is not surprising that the studio did not even develop a design document: many aspects of Diablo II were created and remade on the fly. In particular, the plot.

The story told in Diablo was an ingenuous: an idyden goes to look for his missing brother and in the end finds. To continue, the developers have prepared the same. The players had to follow the traces of the protagonist of the first part, which pulled the stone of the soul demon in the forehead. But here Blizzard intervened, which always focused on the plot and mythology: in the first part, she took over part of the plot videos, in particular, the final scene. And for Diablo II, the company's scriptwriters came up with a complex multi -act plot with the participation of Mephisto and Baala, and at the same time scattered Laura's fragments on the pages of the register of Descades Cain. Over time, these and other stories of Descard will be collected in the famous Cain Book – Diablo III: Book of Cain.

Diablo II: Resurrected comes out at a difficult time. She had a fate to be the first game, which Blizzard will release after the start of a large -scale scandal with court claims, dismissals, refinements of references and Easter boxes in games – which, what are there, reach the point of absurdity. The most dissatisfied will probably perceive the prime minister as an occasion to express another portion of indignation to the company.

The creators of the original Diablo II are in no way involved in Harassment, harassment and other crimes: for the most part they left the company long before the third part, and the Blizzard North studio itself closed in 2005. A team is working on the Resurrected version Vicarious visions , which recently became part of Blizzard Entertainment and is also not involved. However, the author of the series David Brevik himself has already stated that he does not support the current Blizzard and is not going to play Diablo II: Resurrected. And the director of the remake only advised everyone to do the way they think correctly.

We hope that resurrected will avoid errors Warcraft III: Reformged. And we are waiting for the project in any case will have a lot of fans. Like in good old days!

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The most free of the conditionally pay. Games that will not pull money out of you

The most free of the conditionally pay. Games that will not pull money out of you

We live in the era of conditionally paid games. A huge assortment of online and even single projects calls and beckons: try, free! But it is worth getting to get involved – the beautiful picture quickly breaks against the concrete wall of the donates. Behind the bright sign Free-to-Play hides a luxurious in-game store and a landwall that can slow down or completely block progress. What can we say about lutboxes and gacheniki-a real lottery, in which, in order to obtain the desired prey, you sometimes need to spend more money than a dozen AAA-IGR?

However, in any rule there are exceptions. We decided to choose parole-free projects that relate to the player respectfully: they really can play entirely for free, and cash injections only simplify the user some tasks or open access to jewelry.

Fortnite: Battle Royale

One of the most famous and popular online royal battles was not least due to its accessibility. Fortnite: Battle Royale In a matter of days I overshadowed my "older sister" PUBG , which continues to be a premium game.

Pay Epic Games only those who cannot do without a unique parachute, a rare suit and other cosmetics, including emotions. However, there is also a military pass: it is sold for V-Baxs, but, making your way along its levels, you can “earn” the next pass, at the same time collecting a bunch of other unique junk.

Other games also operate on the similar system: for example, Paladins And Pubg Lite. For real money, you can buy all kinds of cosmetics in them. And the combat pass is available in different versions: you can start earn levels for free, but if you fork out for a premium transplant, then life will become easier.

Apex Legends

In the royal battle Apex Legends Three types of currency at once, but only APEX coins can be bought for real money. And they are spent on unlocking unique legends and on a combat pass – ordinary or “reinforced”, with already counted levels and an additional bonus. Legends, however, can be redeemed for the in -game currency – "legendary tokens".

The rest of the APEX Legends store can be attributed to cosmetics: weapons, skins, replicas and banners for characters, special animations and emotions. All this is good in addition to falls from Lutboxes, and a unique and rare subject may find in them. Here are just the chances of getting something extraordinary from there so low that the players envy the Belgians: due to the ban on lootboxes in the country, instead of lottery boxes, they immediately receive materials to create legends and cosmetics.

The formula “Cosmetics, combat pass, Lutboxes” adopted a number of other conditionally paying projects. IN Dota 2 You can additionally pay for the Dota Plus subscription and get a personal adviser to heroes and abilities based on the matches played. IN Dauntless you can speed up the pumping by paying real money. And in Valorant Skins are insanely expensive, but buying their favorite agents allows you to not depend on rotation. Like in League of Legends or Smite , There, heroes are also bought once and for all.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

CS: GO – An ideal example of a free game in which from Donat exclusively cosmetics. Namely, the notorious skins for weapons: for the price of some of them you can update the computer. There is only one problem: in order to get something truly valuable, you will have to shove hundreds and thousands of chests that are not always in vain, but are always available in the form of packs in the store. Individual players manage to make good money on sale and resale of such rare skins, while the rest of these problems are little concerned: Chiters and stupid Timmates are much more relevant!

You can find a number of conditionally deposited games in which this convention is limited to the sale of cosmetic objects. For example, Brawlhalla , Teamfight Tactics or Call of Duty Warzone – In the latter, however, in addition to cosmetics, you can buy temporary booster.

Blade and Soul

Classic large -scale Mmorpg is not the best period now. They gradually leave the big scene, without withstanding competition with dynamic, often updated sessions, royal battles and funny brawls in the spirit Fall Guys. Russian servers have been closed for a long time " The Lord of the Rings ", Not so long ago forgot how to speak Russian Tera , A difficult fate fell Black Desert. Only “greedy sharks” remain afloat: in World of Warcraft Without subscription, they will not be allowed Giant Wins sister sites further, for The Elder Scrolls you need to buy the game itself and additions, and the same applies Guild Wars 2. And in Final Fantasy XIV the possibilities of a free game are expanding everything, but sooner or later you still have to pay.

Against the general background stands out only Blade and Soul, although its monetization cannot be called the most gentle. You can play BNS for free if you do not rush anywhere and enjoy the process. But at the same time, the gaming store scares the abundance of goods affecting the balance, up to the creation of the hero at once the 60th level. There are, however, two reasons to talk about the game as a free. Firstly, everything except the services for renaming and changing the race can be obtained in the game: even if you have to spend on this time, it is more reasonable than buying expensive sets. Secondly, premium valus is also earned in the game, so there is an opportunity to accumulate on some particularly rare trophy.

Team Fortress 2

Monetization Team Fortress 2 It became a legend even before she switched to conditionally deposited rails: the game was nicknamed the “Simulator of the Hat with Schuer Elements” in 2009, and in 2011, with the output Über update , She also became a "simulator of the sale of hats". Decorative accessories, most of which are still hats, remain the main sign of the shooter, although in the game store you can buy both weapons and boosters.

It is enough to make one purchase in the Mann Ko store in order to once and for all transfer your account into the status of "premium". After that, all restrictions on drawings, gifts, objects, craft and the size of the backpack are removed.

The same system, by the way, is used in The Lord of the Rings Online : Any purchase transfers an account to the category of premium. This increases the limit of gold, allows you to use mail, and also unlocks two more slots for characters on the server.


Online shooter ** Warframe ** Hurrently meet the players calls: “Buy, otherwise you will regret!". The gaming store sparkles platinum chests, unique sets, luxurious weapons, prime-winning and incredibly powerful frarams … But this is an illusion.

Absolutely all the contents of the store can be obtained in other ways: exchange from another player, knock out, get as a gift, buy by accumulating the same platinum … There is nothing in the gaming store that would be unique and affordable only for real. And during the regular adjustments of the balance, “Donatical” frames suffer no less than ordinary and unpretentious. In the battles, the outcome at all does not depend on the money invested: all wealth received in the store must also be able to dispose of.

A characteristic case: once the developers added the opportunity to randomly change the color of the pets-kubrau to the game for a small amount. This option was very popular, but when the team saw that individual players pay for it hundreds of times in a row, everyone was horrified: “We created one -armed bandit!". The idea had to be removed.

In Warframe it makes sense to pay for additional slots for frames, and in Path of Exile The expansion of inventory justifies itself in a similar way. True, in the last game, in addition to cosmetics, there is another serious bait for donators: the ability to create private servers.

Starcraft 2

Starcraft 2 is already ten years old

When we are talking about e -sports titles, it goes without saying that no store purchases should affect the game balance. AND Starcraft 2 – A typical model of this approach. The game itself is free, you have to pay only for additional plot campaigns: Heart of the Swarm , Legacy of the Void And " Nova: An invisible war ". However, for multiplayer battles, including rating, there is quite enough set of free cards. Yes, in Starcraft 2 there is also paid cosmetics (special skins for units, flags and portraits), but the guaranteed winning will not provide this from this.

The system with the purchase of additional fragments of the plot is easily recognized by users The Lord of the Rings Online. The initial locations, quests and dungeons are completely free there, and all the tasks of the epic are open – the global plot campaign. For the game currency, you can "redeem" both locations entirely and individual raids, dungeons, and even quests in them. And money for unlocking can be obtained directly in the game – for achievements.

Let it die

IN Let it die The basis of the gameplay is the development of the characters: each new floor of the tower is more difficult than the previous one, and it is not easy to resurrect the deceased hero and not cheap. This process can be significantly accelerated and facilitated if you buy it for your blood local gold … it would seem.

In fact, the abundance of gold in the early stages does not carry special benefit. Yes, you can redeem rare recipes – but they will not be able to use them until a certain floor is reached, and the materials on them will still have to be assembled. And the ability to easily reanimate any hero will not allow to pump a strategic skill: the ability to decide which of the characters to allow to die (the name Let it die speaks of its importance).

There are other ways to spend money in the game with benefit. For example, a golden pass allows you to rise free of charge on any floor, the “express transplant” cancels the forced expectation of the opening of the doors in the subway, and the duodenal stickers increase the amount of experience produced gold and “blue”. But active players already do not have a shortage of gold, and they can get much more powerful stickers.

Magic: The Gathering Arena

The computer version of the most famous table repeats its basic principles not only in the field of the formation of the decks: the gathering of like -minded people in their favorite store, the start of sales of new sets and friendly tournaments tried to reproduce in the video game. And this connection can be seen if you carefully look at the assortment of a gaming store MTG Arena.

Play Magic: The Gathering Arena can be free as in life: I came to a special event, received a starting set of decks as a gift. I wanted more – you can buy game gold or crystals. Crystals are paid, in particular, for participation in tournaments, and here everything is also like in life: the organizers often take from the participants a small entrance fee to expenses and prizes.

The company of like -minded people will always meet a beginner not only with advice, but also gifts. And in MTG Arena, if the newcomer manages to find a good company, promotional codes will immediately share with it: there are many universal codes that any player can introduce, having received booster, styles, shirts and even additional experience as a gift.

And one cannot help but recall another free computer hill: " Guint ". Everything that is sold in a gaming store is barrels, random cards sets. But even an excellent deck does not guarantee that the player who spent money on it will win all matches: here is much more important mind and skill.

Phantasy Star Online 2

From time to time, the developers produce special temporary screw cards with thematic goods

Recently published in Europe Phantasy Star Online 2 quickly gaining popularity, including due to its free. Yes, she got into the list of the most non -fire games in some way, since a long -term test of time has not yet passed. But in the game it is interesting that it is like a selection of all the most popular solutions at once in terms of microtransactions.

In the store you can buy Lutboxes (Scretch Cart) with all kinds of cosmetics, and the premium subscription allows you to expand the inventory and quest magazine. In addition, there is also a combat pass, and all that falls out of the Lutboxes allow other players to sell. Subscribers can also trade at an auction and use their own apartment. And players can exchange items only if both spent at least some amount in the gaming store.

By the way, in Phantasy Star Online 2 there is also a casino – but in it you can use only the in -game currency: it will not work to tear the bank for real rubles.

This brief list of a list of friendly games for economical games, of course, is not exhausted. But the listed techniques of soft leaving money are used in many modern online games, and in most of them there is no victory. But the pleasure is easily.

Tell us what game you yourself would praise for unobtrusive and courteous extortion!

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There is one wonderful moment in the comedy series "Clinic". Young surgeon Chris Terk returns from the honeymoon. He stands on the ground floor of the Holy Heart hospital, while his best friend, John Dorian, waves him out of the window. “Wait, I'm now!" – the heroes scream in unison and at the same time rush towards each other. Wraps up somewhere halfway, Jay-di and a grater change places-now the first is below, and the second actively gestures on the upper floors of the building. Then the situation is repeated several times – two overexcited doctors are constantly missing, find themselves in different wards and even on different roofs. But soon they still manage to meet and very passionately, in a manly way, hug each other to half heals.

So, the above minute scene is great for describing gameplay ILOMILO. The only difference is that instead of the characters of Donald Fason and Zak Braff there are two charming boys with antennas, and instead of the “holy heart” – phantasmagoric piles of cubes.

Swedish family

By the will of fate, the heroes of Ilomilo (meet, silt and sweet; friends, twins or lovers – it is not really clear) were separated from each other. Between them there were huge abysses, dangerous traps, spatio-temporal laws and other troubles. Our task at each level is to lead two heroes through all obstacles and return their former unity. Sounds as a description of the ordinary puzzle-platformer? Do not rush with conclusions – entertaining details of the project Southend Interactive Enough.

As you probably already noticed from screenshots, levels in Ilomilo are huge arrays collected from plush cubes. And in cubes, as you know, six faces. So, in the game we will be able to travel through all six planes. At the stages there are special places for the transition from one edge to the other, and it is here that the entire level literally turns upside down – according to previously insurmountable sheer walls, you can walk freely; annoying obstacles that interfered with passage on one plane, on the other become completely safe. The comparison is quite rude, but something similar was in a campaign for someone else's in Aliens vs. Predator 2.

Soyuzmultfilm represents ..

As sources of inspiration to create the appearance of the game 20bets sister sites, Simon Flezer, among other things, calls the three greatest cartoons of the Soviet period. People familiar with them will now present the opportunity to be strifted, and everyone else is highly recommended to urgently run to restore a cultural gap. Classic after all.

Winnie the Pooh

Despite the fact that the Soviet film adaptation of the stories of Alan Milna has a very free one with the original, this did not prevent the cartoon from becoming one of the warmest memories of childhood for many people. It was originally planned to film all 20 stories, but only three of them saw life: “Winnie the Pooh” (1969), “Winnie the Pooh is coming to visit” (1971) and “Winnie the Pooh and Day of the Conceptions” (1972). The cartoon immediately after the release was molestage to quotes, which still often can be heard.

Hedgehog in the fog

Not childishly philosophical and thoughtful cartoon Yuri Norshtein, telling about a hedgehog travel to his friend Bear through an impenetrable fog. Long before Silent Hill and Stephen King with his “hare”, this slightly veiled horror easily drove into trembling (“But interesting,” the hedgehog thought, “if the horse goes to bed, it will choke in the fog?"). By the way, the “Hedgehog in the fog” is recognized as the best cartoon of all time and peoples according to the results of a survey of 140 film critics and animators of different countries. That's it.


A beast unknown to science with huge round ears, infinitely kind eyes and obvious addiction to oranges was a real idol among children of the entire Soviet space: every second child necessarily had a soft (or not so) toy, which had an ears to the offensive easily broken up to the offensive. Four “original” cartoons of Roman Kachanov (“Crocodile Gene and his friends” (1969), “Cheburashka” (1971), “Shapoklyak” (1974) and “Cheburashka goes to school” (1983) turned out to be surprisingly kind and ridiculous, and the phrase. “Let me carry things, and you will carry me” for a long time leaded in unofficial charts of innocent children's jokes.

Swedish wall

Ilo and Milo are also trained to select and drag in a backpack behind Cuba with special properties, and it is thanks to this ability that the lion's share of puzzle is solved here. For example, you can choose a cube, which, being set in the right place, is “stretched” by three, is a kind of bridge on which you can run over the abyss. Or a holey cube-portal, which allows you to freely move from one level of level to another. There are lifts, cubes-lighters, batuta cubes-in a word, now we can say for sure that in Sweden they know a sense not only in the walls, but also in various kinds of cubes.

The stages in the game are generously stuffed with interior items that you need to interact with, and often the result of a banal press on the button manifests itself on the other end of the card. Suppose Ilo pulled the lever, but the elevator will come directly to the feet. This is another important feature of the game – the characters must actively help each other in order to ultimately meet.

Ilo and Milo will be able to exchange useful cubes (this will help them with an eccentric monster intermediary, similar to a striped sock with eyes), build bridges and portals for each other and push each other in every way in level. All terms for an interesting cooperative in the game are obvious, and Southend is unlikely to deprive us of the opportunity to pass the game with a comrade.

Swedish fairy tale

Interesting mechanics is far from the only reason to wait for the Ilomilo exit. You fall in love with this game from the first screenshot. All the fault is an amazing appearance – a mixture of sunny cheerfulness, surrealism, rag dolls and a pinch of madness.

When asked whether Ilomilo looks “in Swedish”, the leading designer Southend Interactive, Simon Flyser replies: “Oh no, I hope not! For me, "Swedish" is the perfect white cube. Made in the factory. Engineers and soulless machines ".

In this case, the game is really far from Swedish. She makes the impression of piece work – knitted with love of a woolen sock or skillfully scheduled clay jug. Silt and cute animated before … hmm … cute that even the most severe players, this will surely touched. While you will lead a couple through the puzzles, windmills, huge plush bees, caramel houses and ticking watches will swim in the background. Even cubes – it seems to be strict and clear geometric figures – here are built into curls and loops, intertwined in the air and abruptly break off. Already now Ilomilo on charm and charm is very close to a rag Littlebigplanet And necrobotanic Plants vs. Zombies. It seems that after the release of special friction about the winner in the nomination "Musi-Pusi-2010" will not be.

* * *

Southend Interactive now sculpt a deep and diverse puzzle-platformer, which also looks completely magical. And if by the end of the development there is suddenly nothing catastrophic, we will soon get one of the most beautiful and kind games of the decade, after which both adults and children will spend their pleasure with equal pleasure.

We will wait? Spatial puzzle-platformer from Sweden with an amazing design, multifaceted (in the literal sense of the word) game mechanics and life-affirming message: “Be closer to each other!"

Percentage of readiness: 70%

Art or craft?

_Vo on July, Cecil Kim, the leading artist of the GOD of War series, came to Moscow. He is engaged not only in video games: he began to work in the Hollywood studio Imaginary Forces and put his hand to the films " People in black " And " Show Truman ". The concept art began to engage in Square USA and managed to work on _Parasite Eve And Final Fantasy IX . Since August last year, he left Sony Santa Monica and became co-founder and creative director of the design studio Section Studios -one of the key in Los Angeles. Since 2002 he has been teaching in California in Otis College of Art and Design , V Gnomon School of Visual FX (since 2010) and in Art Center College of Design (since 2011).

Cecil Kim did not come to Moscow as a tourist, but on the initiative of the educational center Scream School . In the capital, the artist for the first time arranges an exclusive master class for the developer team Allods Team , which is now working on the "game of the future" SkyForge . Gambling could not miss such a chance and decided to talk with the artist.

[] tell us in a nutshell about the topic of your master class.

[Cecil Kim] I talked about the basics: how the concept art is used in AAA games and how the illustrations differ in production and post-production. The concept art is important not so much to create a picture as such as for the inspiration of developers-it may well bring to a fresh thought. Today I showed how to draw from scratch and work out a sketch. We worked for three hours, and during this time I managed to throw a couple of drawings. Then the listeners showed me their sketches and 3D models, and I advised in which direction they could be developed further.

► The first sketch. A CG-image is made on it, which the artist then processes again.

[] tell me why you decided to draw for video games? This is a conscious choice, or it happened? Why not do architecture, for example?

[Cecil Kim] About architecture – it's you to the point. Honestly, I always wanted to be an architect, the human ability to create such beauty amazes me – I mean the final, tangible, result. But the games are much more fun and curious! Not in the gameplay, no. I don’t really build anything, but I, imagine, have unlimited spaciousness for creativity, and I can do anything.

[] how to start drawing for video games? Can you advise something to a novice artist?

[Cecil Kim] Yes, the same as for other spheres. The main thing is: beginner artists often criticize themselves. Say, there are full of great artists around, I will never achieve their level. As I said, the concept art is not done for art, but for developers. And so that the 3D artist understands your creative plan, it is not necessary to be a bosch. It is important to understand what the team needs. To develop skills, just look at your previous works and try to improve the result regarding you, without looking back at other artists.

[Bullet]] If you make the decoration entirely in CG, it turns out not very beautiful, so small details in the background are finished manually.

[] Cecil, how does the concept art differ from other genres of fine art? He has features?

[Cecil Kim] The concept art, unlike elegant arts, should always have a task and meaning. With illustrations, the story is the same, but the artist has freedom there and everything comes down to art for the sake of art – the creative process is entirely, from the sketch to the finished result, the artist himself controls. The concept is created for the client, and first of all you need to understand what is required of you. You can bring something from yourself, but it is worth always remembering that you work by order. At all stages, you must consult with the customer and take into account the capabilities of the designer team. It is important not only to draw well, but also to know who your client is, in which direction the project is developing.

[] here you drew art, and what is happening to him further? Show the team and begin to work on a new one or gradually develop the initial result?

[Cecil Kim] As soon as the picture is approved, it will go to the 3D artist. He takes key points from the concept and is not obliged to repeat the drawing exactly. Sometimes the images are not enough: the drawing is created with one perspective, and it would be nice to inspect the location from the other corner with a 3D artist. You have to make several sketches, and that is why you need to constantly contact the artist – it is not necessary to draw a complex canvas, there are enough couples of five -minute sketches.

► from the concept – to video art. Illustrations often look much brighter and appetizing the final result.

[Gambling.Ru] Yes, I saw a couple of art to God of War: Chains of Olympus. You seem to help Ready at Dawn, and the drawings were very different from the finished result.

[Cecil Kim] Between the development of God of War 2 and God of War 3, I had only two months of free time, and I was asked to help with Chains of Olympus. I worked with Carlo Alellano from Ready At Dawn, and although we made the concepts beautiful, the game looked much easier: the Attica market was originally planned to be closed, and there were much more interesting details in it, but the final result was still impressed.

[[Bullet]] Little Kratos is not drawn by chance: it is easier to catch the scale of the location.

[] Suppose I started to engage in concept art. That I should never do? What will be the most terrible mistake that I can make?

[Cecil Kim] I don’t know how in Russia, but in Los Angeles, the entertainment industry (amazing!) Very cramped. There are a lot of gaming companies, but everyone knows each other. In any case, artists often communicate with each other. It is important to control yourself. You constantly meet other artists, and sometimes it happens to work with people more professional and talented than you. Of course, you have to listen to criticism-you need to treat it easier, relax, have fun and draw something useful. But it is better not to criticize others, and indeed to be a pleasant person, because we all cook in the same industry.

[] Cecil, what video game do you consider the most stylish with a visual point of view? I noticed that you have a tribe-illustrations for Shadow of the Colossus.

[Cecil Kim] Oddly enough, Shadow of the Colossus, I do not like as much as ICO. I like that the game is abstract. There is no complex plot in it, you know almost nothing about the characters, but in some unknown way you are interested in everything until the very end. Most of all I am impressed with how the locations are made – in the ICO there is simply an amazing game with the light. Using simple visual techniques, the artist made an excellent picture.

[[Bullet]] Be in Shadow of the Colossus Optimus Prime, he would look like that.

[] Your opinion about the game industry from the point of view of the artist?

[Cecil Kim] The industry is constantly changing. The economy is developing, new platforms appear, trends are changing, and in this stormy stream it is extremely difficult to predict the future. I started working on God of War ten years ago, and then we focused primarily on the Japanese gamdesign – Onimusha and Devil May Cry. They did so well!

I sincerely wish Russian Gamdev to develop my playing culture: you have a huge audience in the country! Now the business model is similar to Chinese-there are too many online games with monetization. I would rather like to see new projects.

[] and how do you organize your workplace? Are there any things that help to tune in to a working mood?

[Cecil Kim] I think that if I have come to work, you need to sit down and give out the result. I go to the office, something clicks in my head, and I become an extremely creative person! Music helps a lot, and before work I like to discuss films or other games. To some extent, this helps to understand who you are.

[Bullet]] And here the process of creating a sketch is demonstrated: first the composition is determined, and only then can you make a pencil sketch.

[] what is the most strange fact about you that you can share with our readers? For example, in one of our interviews Paul Kissa (former game designer in Delphine Software, now works in Vector Cell) replied jokingly that he was sleeping in the coffin.

[Cecil Kim] Does it really sleep?.. Let's better about me: I like to play in the sauna. I play on the iPhone until it overheat and isnd down. Three or four times a week I am worried in the sauna and never forget to take a mobile phone.

[] and finally: what question in the interview usually annoys you most?

[Cecil Kim] There is one question that everyone is asked, not only the press: how much time I spend on the drawing. The answer is always the same – this, damn it, depends on the drawing itself! Sometimes a few hours, sometimes a whole month. Then the thought leaves me – why do they ask about it why it is so interesting to know this particular? I came to the conclusion that they just want to be measured with brushes.